7 Steps to Take When Preparing for Divorce
A divorce is one of the most disruptive and emotionally-telling experiences you can ever go through. This process can be lengthy and confusing. However, getting organized can help you maintain control and improve your chances of a suitable outcome.
To make the process easy, you must plan adequately beforehand. This involves collecting the necessary documents, getting legal representation, and making plans for children. Read on to discover the steps to take before you make a move.
1. Discuss the Divorce
If resolving the dispute is not an option and you have not discussed divorce with your spouse, choose the best time and place to raise the topic. Choose a time that does not clash with a child’s birthday, an anniversary, a major holiday, or any important holiday.
Pick a good time to talk, think, and reflect on the subject without interfering with other important affairs. Consider having this conversation in a neutral place away from home to prevent distractions.
2. Prepare the Necessary Documents
Collecting and arranging all the paperwork is important if you’re heading into a divorce. Gather and make copies of your marriage documents, including any prenuptial or post-nuptial agreements. Keep the marriage license and any life insurance policies. Save digital and physical copies of these documents so you can access them easily while they remain secure.
3. Get Your Finances in Order
Create a comprehensive list of your shared assets, including stocks, bonds, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and any related financial information. Look for records of debts, retirement plans, earning details, and tax returns.
If there are any safety deposit boxes between you and your spouse, record their value, ownership, and location. While courts usually mandate full financial disclosure during divorce proceedings, spouses are sometimes not cooperative.
4. Hire an Attorney
Whether your divorce will be hostile or not, consider hiring an attorney to be on the safe side. A lawyer helps you understand your responsibilities and rights, guiding you through the process. Get recommendations from family or friends, but be sure to interview several prospects and choose the one you’re most comfortable with.
5. Sort Out Parenting Arrangements
While there is much to consider when preparing for divorce, do not forget to sort out the new parenting arrangement. Learn about the custody process where you reside and create a plan that meets all the requirements. Then, create a calendar that tracks each parent’s time with the children. Start considering whether you’ll pay or receive child support after the divorce.
6. Decide on the Separation Details
Sorting out the separation details is one of the most intricate aspects of divorce preparation. Factors like a spouse having an affair during marriage may affect the separation details. Since maintaining separate homes can be expensive, consider fair living arrangements that ensure safety for both parties.
7. Think About Employment
In some marriages, one spouse works while the other stays home to look after the children. If you’re unemployed and facing an impending divorce, it may be a good idea to start looking for a job immediately. In circumstances where you’re unable to work, divorce laws usually require spousal or child support.
Preparing for a divorce can reduce the impact of this event on your personal and family life. When making plans, discuss the divorce, prepare the documents, get your finances in order, and hire an attorney. Sort out the parenting details, plan separation, and consider your employment status.